mRNA, Science Communication, Back to Normal – Dr. Wilson #71


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Guest this time a molecular biologist Dr. Wilson. In this episode we covered many different questions starting with should children from 12 – 15 year old be given this new mRNA based technology?

This is an introduction to the episode. To view the actual episode click here to TOKENTUBE video platform that supports free expression of opinions and scientific debate about these issues:—-Dr–Wilson—Vaccination–Science-Communication–Back-to-Normal–

Some of the topics and questions covered in this episode:
Is the risk of getting myocarditis relevant? Can there be long term side-effects? Can these other other similar treatments cause autism? Did Dr. Fauci fund Gain of Function research in Wuhan? Why no-one has claimed the 1,000,000 USD price one for isolating the c19vrus? Did Robert Malone invent the mRNA technology? What does Dr. Wilson think about Joe Rogan’s protocol? And from a scientist perspective what does Dr. Wilson think would be the best road to getting “back to normal”?

For more Dr. Wilson’s videos you can visit him at his YouTube channel:
Debunk the Funk with Dr. Wilson:



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